“He whose doshas (energies) are in balance, whose agni (appetite) is good, whose dhatus (tissues) are functioning normally, whose malas (wastes) are in balance, and whose consciousness, mind, and senses remain full of bliss, is called a healthy person.”
Ayurvedic bodywork uses a variety of medicated oils according to individual constitution and respective imbalance. Oiling is an integral practice of ayurvedic health as it nourishes the skin’s microbiome especially in and around any bodily orifices where a concentrated biome of health exists. All my oils, both plain and medicated, are organically and sustainably sourced. Some of the treatments I offer are specific and some are integrated into my standard individualized bodywork depending on what the client needs. I always warm the client substantially with oil treatments as this helps open the metabolic and nervous pathways and allows the oils to penetrate and nourish more deeply. Some of the more specific styles of treatment are as follows:
Abhayanga (including facial and NASYA)
This is a hot oil massage intended to move lymph, blood and energy in the directions they should be moving for optimum health. A large amount of hot oil is used in this treatment to the body and by applying sufficient rhythmic friction in the right directions, these oils penetrate the deepest layers of skin and corresponding tissues, bringing about a deep sense of calm and nourishment. Herbally medicated oils are chosen appropriately for the individual constitution and present imbalances (assessed with brief consultation). All oils are sourced both ethically and organically.
As a part of this treatment, I also include the nasya and ayurvedic facial. Please see the description below.
2 hour minimum appointment (includes 10 minute consultation, please schedule more consult time when booking if you have deeper issues to discuss) $235
In Ayurveda we treat the skin and mucosal surfaces as an organ reflecting inner health. This treatment is best accompanied by a larger ayurvedic health protocol and at the same time can still be of benefit for local treatment of the delicate facial and sinus tissues, as well as inviting attention to your self care and personal rest and relaxation. I use a combination of appropriately selected and gentle facial oils massaged with a kanse bowl to marma points on the face. Ghee is applied to the eyes followed by rose water to draw irritating heat from the eyes and encourage cool and clear vision. The head and hair are also oiled and rubbed to stimulate the glymphatic system. Heat is then used as a treatment with hot towels and red light therapy to open the pores on the face for full absorption of medicated oils, reduce wrinkles and invite a healthy luster. The heat also opens the sinus cavities in preparation for Nasya.
Nasya is the nasal inhalation of herbalized oils into the sinuses which has many benefits, one of which is the cleansing of lymphatic vessels in the brain called the sagittal sinus or tarpaka Kapha, a channel which drains pounds of toxic chemicals and plaque out of the brain each year as we sleep.
The combination of an ayurvedic facial, nasya and a gentle oiling of the hands, arms and feet leave the spirit feeling tended to and the psyche relaxed.
1 hour treatment $140
Hot medicated oil is poured in a constant stream on the third eye, a treatment designed to calm the nervous system and provide deep psychological stress relief. The senses are magnified, neurons in the brain are synchronized and a deep sense of calm and quiet is found. This treatment involves a large amount of medicated oil which the client may take home with them afterwards. Massage on the hands and feet are a part of this treatment when it is booked as a stand alone treatment.
1 Hour $145
30-40 Min. Add-on Treatment $95 (highly recommended as an add-on to abhayanga)
During Swedana treatment the individual will be immersed in an herbalized steam bath whilst keeping both head and heart cool. The therapeutic steam will stimulate the metabolism and encourage the body to release and dislodge mental, emotional and physical toxins. Keeping head and heart cool will allow a sense of calm whilst amplifying bodily functions.
This treatment is most effective after an abhyanga treatment with medicated oil as the steam will open the pores and allow the oils to penetrate further, nourishing cells at a deeper tissue level. It is usual to follow Swedana with Nasya (medicated nose drops) as the body is now open and receptive for penetrating herbs.
Add-on treatment $95
Vaginal steaming is an age-old natural remedy to cleanse the vagina and uterus. The uterus and vagina are self cleaning organs, and yet various life and health imbalances can lead to stagnancies and inefficiencies. By bringing warm herbally-infused steam to this area many imbalances can be tended to with the increased circulation and medicinal benefits of the herbs. This treatment also brings attention to and draws energies into the lower chakras and the apanic region of the body so that the mind might also find a resulting stillness and quiet. This is ONLY offered as an additional treatment to any offering including some consultation, so that appropriate herbal infusions are selected for the individual.
Add-on $50
Herbal medications given by enema primarily treat vata dosha, which is the main etiological factor in the manifestation of diseases. Vata is the force behind the elimination and retention of feces, urine, bile, and other excreta. Vata is mainly located in the large intestine where many neural receptors are located affecting our state of mind. An oil and/or decoction enema can effectively and promptly ease not only the mind but also ease intestinal/colonic disorders, also delivering a direct herbal uptake through the colon wall.
Add-on Treatment $40