“Our birthright, according to Ayurveda, is to experience the full potential of life that comes only from living in complete conscious attunement with our universal nature.
In Ayurveda we believe the will or desire to cleanse comes from a spiritual dimension, an innermost yearning for balance and a desire to find your true spiritual self more easily. In short it is a search for self empowerment and faith.
Cleansing is considered an essential element of seasonal routines in Ayurveda. It is at the season changes that our constitutions are the most challenged as our environments change. Our habits often do not take into account the need to shift our food intake or our lifestyle habits to be more seasonally appropriate , potentially leaving us with a sluggishness or excess of heat stored from diets and lifestyles appropriate to the previous season. This can set us up for poor digestion, toxicity and potentially aches and pains, phlegm or even potentially the onset of disease. It is great to ‘lighten’ our bodies at this point and get a little closer to listening in to what our bodies need. A teacher of mine once said ‘Every time we cleanse we get a little closer to God’, I have to agree from the point of view that cleansing retunes us and allows to become much more balanced, aware and therefore receptive and open to out body, mind and spirit’s true needs. I have also found that cleansing is a fantastic introduction to the principles of Ayurveda and getting in tune with nature.
I offer 3 levels of cleansing:
1. Group & Individual Cleanse
I offer group cleanses in the Spring and the Fall. This is a great way to find support as you cleanse, as it can be a challenge for some. The group element which I manage and advise allows a camaraderie of ‘suffering’ and then revelation of clarity. Individualized programs are also on offer with my guidance available to answer questions and hold your hand.
I have done and guided cleanses many times and found repeatedly that it brings lightness of body and mind and truly eases the spirit bringing clarity and peace.
I always meet with clients prior to cleansing to discuss individual needs and shall also follow up post cleanse to check in and offer advice for moving back into a more regular diet and lifestyle. I offer a tiered pricing structure to fit all financial needs but highly recommend bodywork whilst cleansing either with me or your favored bodyworker. External oleation is a vital component of ayurvedic cleansing as it helps soften the tissues and ease the release of toxins.
INtroductory meeting is on sunday march 16th
at my house in bonny doon,
ayurvedic lunch ($20 donation for those that can attend
CLEANSE STARTS monday March 17th
and ends sunday April 6th (please email me)
Basic cleanse plus herbs/oils . 21 day cleanse protocol $595 ,
(this cleanse is set up for REMOTE ACCESS, in this case links for supplies provided, $535)
Basic cleanse plus herbs/oils and 1x 90 min bodywork session, 21 day $765
Basic cleanse plus herbs/oils and 2x 90 min bodywork session, 21 day $935
Basic cleanse plus herbs/oils and 3x 90 min bodywork session, 21 day $1105
Swedena or steam treatment as add-on $65
Basti or herbal enema as add-on $35
Priced as above plus $100
2. PKleanse
Winter is a time for drawing in, slowing down and redirecting our attentions and energies, allowing us to reflect on our lives and our higher goals and intentions. It is in these colder, darker days that we must work to find our balance and bolster our sense of well being.
The holidays are behind us and have routinely been a time of over indulgence and it is now in the New Year that we often feel the impact of the holiday festivities in our bodies, minds and souls. Too much eating, drinking and social/family exposure can leave us sluggish, lethargic and drained. A stagnation may occur in our circulatory systems which can initiate stagnancies in the deeper tissues where toxins may accumulate, affecting both our physical and mental well being.
This is an ideal time to boost our metabolism and our immunities with a clean diet and some practices and treatments to remove the stubborn toxic accumulations. It is a time for preparing for a new spring season when both nature and our bodies like to purge the stagnancies. It is a time to schedule and prepare for a cleanse.
Detoxing at the seasonal junctures is highly recommended. When we enter the seasonal change without accumulated toxins and stagnancies we allow our constitutions their full potential and life can be an inspiring work of art.
In an effort to encourage people to experience a deeper level of cleansing this Winter/Spring, I am combining the forces of my usual Spring cleanse protocol which I have run for many groups over the last number of years with the more efficient and supported powers of Pancha Karma. Pancha Karma is my passion as the results are repeatedly profound and the journey for the individual always unique and inevitably life changing.
As a cleanser you will meet with me to discuss your own specifics and the details of the PKleanse, you will also receive a packet including recipes and support herbs which will guide you through the first 7 days. The last 3 days (the PK days) each of you will come to me for a few hours each day to receive treatments appropriate to your constitution, designed to balance any imbalances and encourage the elimination of any remaining toxicities. These 3 days you will be receiving full Pancha Karma treatments including herbalized, cleansing and nourishing enemas. Read more about these specific treatments here.
For more information). You will also be sent home with kitchari to eat each day so that life is fully simplified.
I highly recommend that the last 5 days of this PKleanse you create space in your life and go into as much ‘retreat’ as possible, including all medias, we are after all also cleansing the senses.
This is a unique opportunity to work closely with me and experience a peaceful intimacy with yourself.
The cost is $1795 including all treatments, herbs, consultation and support.
3. Pancha Karma
Please click here for more information about a Pancha Karma Cleanse
I request all clients honor a 24 hour cancellation policy.
Cleanse Testimonials
“My experience guided by Nicola was life changing! I have seen Nicola over the years for thoughtful and patient massage and yoga. I was invited to do a spring cleanse this April and joined the group. At first I was grumpy about cutting so many things out of my diet that I had been trained were enjoyable and comforting. Boy was I wrong! I gently surrendered to the simplicity of nourishment and the daily practice. The whole process became easier each day. It became a new way of living. I learned so much about myself. I learned about being mindful with everything I put in my mouth, the temperature of it, the season of the food, how my body accepted or rejected it and how efficiently things were processed. It was so easy to simplify and lean into it once I embraced the process. I became grateful for every source of sustenance and observed where it came from, who it came from and what it came from. I was also setting an example for those around me, most importantly my adult children. I was curious, surprised and living in each moment. Nicola provided the most gentle care during the cleanse with massage, treatments and counsel. She always gives so much of her time and full attention, making sure each session is tailored to you, and only you. I am looking forward to the next cleanse and now know how to confidently navigate and get the most out of the process. I highly recommend working with Nicola if you would like to elevate knowledge of yourself, mindfulness, living healthy, strong and feeling cared for in a way that you never have before. Thank you Nicola, you are simply the best.”
Heidi Hart
“I had the pleasure of meeting Nicola early last month when (a friend) introduced the cleansing option to me. She proclaims truthfully that Nicola saved her life at a time of burnout when graduate school and peace corps were fuelling her fire and she wanted to, in her words, "save the world." Spending one hour with Nicola in early February and I could sense even over Zoom that this woman is a force of nature. Nicola's Ayurvedic knowledge, growth mindset, willingness to share and openness to vulnerabilities make her a "god-send" not only to me but everyone that she comes in contact with. The cleanse has solidified my belief in Nicola even more so. This woman knows what she is doing and she will change your life!”
Nadine Maruszczak
“I came to Nicola for the PK Kleanse. I had been struggling with allergies, sinus infections and a lung infection since last February. Having tried the western medicine route and other eastern modalities, this process was my last hope.
I wanted a reset for my mind-body and spirit.
Post cleanse my lungs and nasal passages are no longer congested. My body feels awake, light and clean. My mental attitude is clear, sense of humor is back and my irritability is gone.
Forever grateful for taking the PK Plunge.
Nicola is a master practitioner. The body work and cleansing process she takes you through would cost a fortune at a retreat or resort."
Jan Brogan
"I finished the cleanse yesterday. My husband said I slept more peacefully last night than he's ever (in 29 years) seen me! I practices this morning and felt wonderful. I have lots of energy, but less nervous energy than usual."
-Jean Jentet
"Finished the cleanse yesterday. Wow! So much aliveness in my belly, so much movement, like an animal breathing unbidden."
-Aatish Mehmood
"Nicola has treated me over the years for various acute issues; stress, recovery from surgery, and soreness. Her touch is powerful and her bodywork was significant in my healing process. When she mentioned the ‘Pkleanse’ and described the work required and the benefits, I was intrigued. After years of working hard, raising kids, and the stress of life, I wanted a reset. Not only did my body crave it, but my mind and spirit felt blocked. I wasn’t sure that the Pkleanse could accomplish all of those lofty goals but I felt confident in Nicola’s abilities as a healthcare provider and Ayurvedic practitioner. While not an unhealthy person, I had developed lifestyle habits that were not contributing to my health. The Ayurvedic approach at resetting my body, going deeply to a cellular level, made sense to me. To say that the Pkleanse is a challenge, is an understatement, but Nicola’s guidance and nurturing make it work. Ten days into the pkleanse, I felt lighter in my body and my spirit. The world looked brighter, food tasted brighter, all my senses were heightened. For months after the Pkleanse, I continued to feel the effects. In addition, whenever I begin to feel unbalanced, I have the Pkleanse blueprint to bring me back on track. My yoga has improved. My writer’s block is gone. I’m generally happier and less fearful. While it was a challenge, I look forward to repeating the Pkleanse in the Spring and Fall. I am forever grateful to Nicola for treating me and guiding my in my pursuits to be healthy."
-Emily Thomas
Owner, Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing
"I have never received more holistic care. I went to Nicola with stomach problems that have developed since childhood. I was finally ready to put in the work and focus on this to free myself from something that was hindering me in functioning and shining in every aspect of my life.
Nicola really listened so thoroughly, took the time, and used her experience as well as sensing gift to guide me on my own journey. Her methods were deep, real, and lasting. Thanks to her, I am now on the journey of embodying my fullest self!!!"
-Darien Sky